Christianity & Ancient Greece

Greek Koinē and the Bible
Although the Word of God originated from the Jewish religious doctrines, the Greek language was the very element which contributed the most to its dissemination throughout the world. First, as regards the Old Testament, during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC some parts of the Hebrew Bible and some other texts were translated from Jewish into the current Alexandrian Greek. This translation is known as the ‘Septuagint’, which linguistically stems from the Latin septuaginta, (seventy) and is a Koinē Greek translation of Hebraic texts, some of which were later included in the canonical … Read more >

Sibyls: The Voice of God or Evil Spirits?
The connection of the sibyl with Biblical personages appears also in a statement found in the extant collection of the Sibylline Books to the effect thatshe asserted herself to belong to the sixth generation of man and to be descended from Noah (i. 298), while in another passage she termed herself a virgin cf the blood of Noah (iii. 827). On account of these statements the Erythræan pagan sibyl was likewise said to be descended from the sixth generation after the Flood (Eusebius, "Constantini Oratio ad S. Coetum," xviii.). The Hebrew sibyl was alleged also to have been the wife of … Read more >