Christian Tours In Turkey 2025

Turkey is one of the most fascinating countries around the world. Its History is filled with Hittites, Persians, Greeks, Romans and Ottomans. Turkey is spread over two continents: Asia and Europe. The larger part of Turkey which is in Asia, called Anatolia or Asia Minor. During Roman Imperial time, Christianity came to Asia Minor. The Apostle Paul travelled extensively to Asia Minor. John the Evangelist or the Theologian addressed messages to the Seven Churches of Asia (minor). After Romans, Constantine chose Byzantium as the new capital of the empire. The new city was named Constantinopole or Istanbul. One of the most spectacular works of Byzantine architecture is the church of St. Sophia or Divine Wisdom.

Turkey is a must visit. Combines Old and New Testament in a unique way. From Tiger and Euphrates rivers to Mountain Ararat related to Noah’s Ark and to Abraham and his family lived for a while in Haran. Turkey also is mentioned in many ways to the New Testament. From Cilicia (Tarsus, Cilicia the birthplace of Paul) to Cappadocia with the curved homes of the early Christians to Paul’s letters to the Churches of Asia Minor and also to John the Evangelist who is addressing the Seven Churches of the Book of revelation all in Asia Minor. All these places are offering a unique, lifetime and inspirational experience.